Zumba Fitness

Responsive development

Front-end development

Trevan worked with the Zumba Fitness team at a previous company to launch a brand new responsive redesign. Designed by Huge, the Zumba redesign improved the company’s online shopping experience, made it easier to find Zumba classes and more.

Our team delivered static front-end assets to the Zumba technology team to implement into their custom PHP back-end application. There were many pieces of the site that required some clever techniques to make happen, like the “quick shop” feature, the sticky “find a class” module, unique responsive modals, off-canvas navigation, responsive videos, supporting IE8 while still developing the site mobile first and much more.

View live site

Showcasing the "Quick Shop" feature on the home page

Finely tuned touch integration makes mobile shopping an enjoyable experience

Ratings and user generated content built to sell

Product pages include lots of subtle UI delights

Finding products on mobile is super easy!

Many social aspects are mixed in to the whole site